Eli McKay

Corpus Christi City Council

Candidate for District 1


I grew up in the mountains in Western Colorado, where my dad built our off-grid home from the ground up with only the help of his brothers. I was raised with an understanding that water is sacred and should always be respected and conserved. We hauled our water in a tank on the back of his truck, which we filled straight from the Colorado River. Our electricity was solar, so we appreciated all the sunny days we were blessed with in Western Colorado. We lived without a telephone and other amenities common for families in the mid-80s. It was a different world but a fantastic way to grow up. Back then, I realized that most other people did not live the way we did, but I would not trade my experience for the world.

In 2011, I had the opportunity to transfer to the company I worked for. I requested to move to Corpus Christi, where my dad had recently purchased several homes, one in the Dona Park area and one in Uptown, the home I own today. Working in customer service allowed me to get to know the community firsthand and face-to-face. I always say that I came for the climate and fell in love with the food, but I stayed because of the people. Corpus Christi has taught me what it means to be a part of a community. After 20 years in corporate management, I started my own business last year, which allowed me more time for civic involvement. Our elected leadership needs a more human-focused approach to their decision-making processes; I will bring that focus and much more to the council.

Acerca de mí

Crecí en las montañas del oeste de Colorado, donde mi padre construyó nuestra casa autosuficiente desde cero con la ayuda de sus hermanos. Desde pequeño, aprendí a valorar y respetar el agua como un recurso sagrado. Para obtener agua, la transportábamos en un tanque en la parte trasera del camión de mi padre, llenándolo directamente del río Colorado. Nuestra electricidad era solar, por lo que valorábamos cada día soleado que nos bendecía en el oeste de Colorado. Vivíamos sin teléfono y otras comodidades comunes para las familias de mediados de los años 80. Era un estilo de vida diferente, pero una manera increíble de crecer. Desde entonces, supe que la mayoría de la gente no vivía como nosotros, pero no cambiaría mi experiencia por nada en el mundo.

En 2011, tuve la oportunidad de transferirme dentro de la empresa donde trabajaba. Pedí mudarme a Corpus Christi, donde mi padre había comprado recientemente varias casas, una en el área de Dona Park y otra en Uptown, la casa que ahora es mía. Trabajar en servicio al cliente me permitió conocer la comunidad de primera mano y establecer conexiones personales. Siempre digo que vine por el clima y me enamoré de la comida, pero me quedé por la gente. Corpus Christi me ha enseñado lo que significa ser parte de una comunidad. Después de 20 años en la gestión corporativa, el año pasado comencé mi propio negocio, lo que me permitió dedicar más tiempo a mi participación cívica. Nuestro liderazgo electo necesita un enfoque más humano en su toma de decisiones; llevaré ese enfoque y mucho más al consejo de la ciudad.


Advocate for our Environment

  • My commitment to our environment is unwavering. I will champion conserving our natural resources, ​prioritizing alternative sources over taxpayer-funded desalination plants. Our responsibility is to live within ​our means, safeguarding the bay, the environment, and our way of life.

  • Together, we can develop and support sustainable development for our City. Let's incentivize reducing ​single-use plastics and Styrofoam cups to keep our city clean and clear our storm drains.

  • I will request an internal audit of the Parks and Recreation Department to ensure checks and balances on the ​maintenance and upkeep of our parks and beaches here in District 1. We must ensure our Parks and ​Recreation employees are professionally trained, adequately equipped, and compensated. I will seek new ​ideas from the community for better use of our public spaces.

  • My vision for our parks and beaches starts with community involvement and shared responsibility. We can ​implement new programs, such as neighborhood gardens or fitness initiatives, to keep our public spaces ​clean and enjoyable.

Develop a plan to reduce homelessness

  • District 1, home to most of our City’s shelters and aid programs, needs more than just support. We need ​innovative solutions. I propose expanding the Homeless Services Department, allowing them to lead the way.

  • We must expand workforce opportunities for low-income and unhoused community members by creating ​new opportunities that will be accessible and provide the needed training and equipment.

  • I will work with public and private entities to improve public health and hygiene within our district by ​providing more options for restrooms, showers, and laundry facilities for those who need them.

  • I will request an internal audit of the Animal Care Services Department and the Homeless Services ​Department to ensure the employees are professionally trained, well-equipped, adequately staffed, and paid ​a living wage. We will continue to evolve partnerships with local animal shelters, keeping the lines of ​communication open and creating a workable plan to get stray animals off the streets.

Expand our economy to benefit the community,

not special interest groups

  • All industry and developers should pay their fair share of taxes or impact fees.

  • Our city's economic growth is a priority. I will actively encourage and welcome small businesses and free ​market companies to our city, fostering a thriving local economy focusing on smart growth for District 1 by ​listening to stakeholders.

  • I will support sustaining and improving our existing infrastructure instead of expanding to undeveloped ​areas. We must use the vacant buildings and lots in the district by incentivizing the landowners.

  • I will advocate for sidewalk improvements for District 1 and expand the residential street repair program to ​create a safe, walkable city that is also safe to drive or bike in.


Defender el medio ambiente

  • Mi compromiso con el medio ambiente es firme. Promoveré la conservación de nuestros recursos naturales, ​priorizando fuentes alternativas sobre plantas desalinizadoras financiadas por los pagan impuestos. ​Nuestra responsabilidad es vivir dentro de nuestros medios, protegiendo la bahía, el medio ambiente y ​nuestro estilo de vida.

  • Juntos, podemos desarrollar y apoyar un desarrollo sostenible para nuestra ciudad. Vamos a incentivar la ​reducción de plásticos de un solo uso y vasos de unicel para mantener nuestra ciudad limpia y despejar ​nuestros desagües pluviales.

  • Pediré una auditoría interna del Departamento de Parques y Recreación para asegurar que haya controles ​adecuados en el mantenimiento de nuestros parques y playas aquí en el Distrito 1. Debemos asegurarnos ​de que nuestros empleados de Parques y Recreación estén bien capacitados, equipados y compensados. ​Buscaré nuevas ideas de la comunidad para un mejor uso de nuestros espacios públicos.

  • Mi visión para nuestros parques y playas comienza con la participación de la comunidad y la ​responsabilidad compartida. Podemos implementar nuevos programas, como jardines comunitarios o ​iniciativas de ejercicio, para mantener nuestros espacios públicos limpios y disfrutables.

Desarrollar un plan para reducir la falta de vivienda

  • El Distrito 1, donde se encuentran la mayoría de nuestros refugios y programas de ayuda de la ciudad, ​necesita más que solo apoyo. Necesitamos soluciones innovadoras. Propongo expandir el Departamento de ​Servicios para Personas sin Hogar, permitiéndoles liderar el camino.

  • Debemos ampliar las oportunidades laborales para los miembros de la comunidad de bajos ingresos y sin ​hogar creando nuevas oportunidades que sean accesibles y brinden la capacitación y el equipo necesarios.

  • Trabajaré con entidades públicas y privadas para mejorar la salud y la higiene públicas dentro de nuestro ​distrito proporcionando más opciones de baños, duchas y lavanderías para aquellos que lo necesiten.

  • Pediré una auditoría interna del Departamento de Servicios de Cuidado Animal y del Departamento de ​Servicios para Personas sin Hogar para asegurar que los empleados estén bien capacitados, equipados, ​adecuadamente dotados de personal y pagados con un salario digno. Continuaremos fortaleciendo las ​asociaciones con refugios de animales locales, manteniendo abiertas las líneas de comunicación y creando ​un plan viable para sacar a los animales callejeros de las calles.

Expandir nuestra economía en beneficio de la comunidad,

no para grupos de interés especial

  • Toda industria y desarrolladores deben pagar su parte justa de impuestos o tarifas de impacto.

  • El crecimiento económico de nuestra ciudad es una prioridad. Fomentaré y daré la bienvenida a pequeñas ​empresas y compañías de libre mercado a nuestra ciudad, promoviendo una economía local próspera ​centrada en el crecimiento inteligente para el Distrito 1 escuchando a los interesados.

  • Apoyaré el mantenimiento y la mejora de nuestra infraestructura existente en lugar de expandirnos a áreas ​no desarrolladas. Debemos utilizar los edificios y terrenos vacantes en el distrito incentivando a los ​propietarios.

  • Abogaré por mejoras en las aceras del Distrito 1 y expandiré el programa de reparación de calles ​residenciales para crear una ciudad segura y transitable, tanto para caminar como para conducir o andar en ​bicicleta


This is a grassroots, people powered campaign.

There are multiple opportunites for you to get involved.

it will take all of us to get out the vote in our

neighborhoods and elect eli this november!



This is a grassroots, people-powered campaign.

I will not take donations

from Large corporations



TCE is dedicated to fighting

for a Texas​ free from pollution.​

Le​ad Locally

Lead Locally works in partnership with ​state and local organizations to identify ​the most critical down ballot climate ​elections

Coastal Bend Labor Council

One of nearly 500 state and local labor ​councils of the AFL-CIO and are the ​heart of the labor movement.

IB​EW Local 278

The International Brotherhood of ​Electrical Workers Local Union 278 ​has approximately 500 members.​

Cl​imate Cabinet

Focusing on climate solutions ​as they interact with other ​critical issues.

Si​erra Club Lonestar Chapter

The oldest grassroots environmental ​organization in Texas. Open spaces, clea​n water, and natural resources shou​ld be protected so that current and futu​re generations may enjoy them.

NALC Local 1259

The National Association of Letter ​Carriers Local 1259 has approximately ​380 member.

Te​xas Rising Action

Statewide non-partisan, grassroots o​rganization building an informed and e​ffective movement working toward e​quality and social justice.

Community Endorsements

We live in Uptown, and we’re voting for Eli McKay ​for District 1 City Councilperson because they will ​represent us all, from the Northwest to North Beach ​and EVERYONE in between - that’s not business as ​usual! #nomorebusinessasusual

Julie & Barry Rogers

District 1 Communi​ty Members

I support Eli McKay for City Council District 1 ​because I believe they have the best interests of the ​residents of Corpus Christi at heart. With no ties to ​the oil industry, they are committed to putting ​people before profit and ensuring our community ​thrives. Eli also stands against the Inner Harbor ​Desalination plant, recognizing it as a bad deal for ​our residents and our environment."

Arturo Lima

District 1 Communi​ty Member

As a resident of District 1, I will vote for Eli McKay ​to represent our district on the Corpus Christi City ​Council. Eli's willingness and dedication to listen ​and learn about the issues which impact residents ​has earned my support. Eli's love and outreach for ​Corpus Christi and its vulnerable and unhoused ​residents, is something that is lacking from our ​current District 1 representation. It's time for us to ​change that.

Blanca Parkinson

District 1 Communi​ty Member

I am supporting Eli because Eli cares, not just ​verbally but also from the heart. Eli is dedicate​d to everyone to have someone they can depend​ on, bringing not just talk but following up with​ the research to get answers. No question is a no​nsense question for Eli. A listener and a doer, Eli w​ill ​make change happen in District 1.

Mo​nna Lyttle

District 1 Communi​ty Member

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